2007 - Vol. 4 - Issue 3 - Data Programability
Data Programability CODE Focus Issue
Data Programability CODE Focus Issue
Microsoft’s Entity Data Model allows you to define an application-oriented view of your data consistent with how you reason about that data.Part I of this article describes the Entity Data Model and how it enables you to represent real-world concepts in a way that makes relationships between related pieces of data more explicit and easier to query, navigate, and consume than through the traditional relational database model. Part II of the article discusses how Microsoft’s ADO.NET Entity Framework provides a flexible mapping of an application-oriented conceptual schema in terms of the Entity Data Model to existing relational database schemas. Shyam Pather’s article, “Programming Against the ADO.NET Entity Framework” completes the picture by describing the actual programming model and API exposed by the framework.
The ADO.NET Entity Framework allows you to define an application-oriented view of your data consistent with how you reason about that data, and map that conceptual view to existing relational schemas.Part I of this article described the Entity Data Model and how it enables you to model real-world concepts in a more natural way. Part II of the article describes how that Entity Data Model is used within the ADO.NET Entity Framework to define an application-oriented conceptual view of your data, and how that view can be flexibly mapped to existing relational schemas. Shyam Pather’s article, “Programming Against the ADO.NET Entity Framework” completes the picture by describing the actual programming model and API used by developers to work with data using the ADO.NET Entity Framework.
The ADO.NET Entity Framework raises the level of abstraction at which developers work with data.Rather than coding against rows and columns, the ADO.NET Entity Framework allows you to define a higher-level Entity Data Model over your relational data, and then program in terms of this model. You get to deal with your data in the shapes that make sense for your application and those shapes are expressed in a richer vocabulary that include concepts like inheritance, complex types, and explicit relationships.The ADO.NET Entity Framework raises the level of abstraction at which developers work with data.Rather than coding against rows and columns, the ADO.NET Entity Framework allows you to define a higher-level Entity Data Model over your relational data, and then program in terms of this model. You get to deal with your data in the shapes that make sense for your application and those shapes are expressed in a richer vocabulary that include concepts like inheritance, complex types, and explicit relationships.
For years developers have been asking for query over data contained in a DataSet in a way that supports the expressiveness needed by today’s data-centric .NET applications. As part of the .NET framework 3.5, Microsoft® will introduce support for a technology called Language Integrated Query (LINQ), and with this introduction, an implementation of LINQ to DataSet.
With the combined launch of Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008, Microsoft is introducing five implementations of .NET Language Integrated Query (LINQ).Of these five implementations, two specifically target access to relational databases: LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities.
LINQ to XML, which makes query a first class construct in C# and Visual Basic, is the new XML API in the .NET Framework 3.5. With the introduction of Language Integrated Query (LINQ), Microsoft is introducing LINQ implementations that work over objects, data, and XML. LINQ to XML improves on System.Xml in the .NET Framework 2.0 by being both simpler to use and more efficient. Microsoft developed this new API because the W3C-based DOM API does not integrate well into the LINQ programming model.
Separation of presentation and data has long been considered a best practice in the development of Web applications.Driven by the need for low friction deployment and a richer user experience, the types and architectures of Web applications are evolving dramatically. With the introduction and growth of AJAX-based applications and Rich Interactive Applications (RIA) using technologies such as Microsoft® Silverlight™, separation of presentation and data is no longer just a best practice, it is required.
With Sync Services for ADO.NET, developers can easily optimize their online experience by caching data locally within the easy-to-deploy SQL Server Compact embedded database engine.In this article I’ll cover how Sync Services for ADO.NET was designed to fit the growing developer needs for caching data locally in online-optimized, offline-enabled applications.
The Microsoft® Sync Framework is the new framework and runtime for adding synchronization, roaming, and offline capabilities to applications. It supports peer-to-peer scenarios, works with devices and services, and is agnostic of data types, stores, and protocols. In this article, I’ll cover the high-level vision for the platform as well as the enabled scenarios made possible by the framework for developers, ISVs, and OEMs.
SQL Server 2008 is scheduled for release in 2008 and promises to deliver an array of new and exciting benefits to both developers and IT Pros alike.
SQL Server Katmai, now officially announced as SQL Server 2008, introduces a significant amount of new and improved functionality, including enhanced data types and greater programming flexibility for database application developers.
The integration of the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) inside SQL Server 2005 (SQL CLR 1.0) enabled database programmers to write business logic in the form of functions, stored procedures, triggers, data types, and aggregates using modern .NET programming languages.This article presents the advances to the CLR integration introduced in SQL Server 2008, which significantly enhances the kinds of applications supported by SQL Server.
Visual Studio 2008 is all about making it easier for developers and development teams to create software for the latest and greatest platforms with technologies such as .NET Language Integrated Query (LINQ), ASP.NET AJAX ,and the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) designer, to name just a few.In this brief article I will highlight just a few of the code editing and designer improvements that are new to Visual Studio 2008.
“Integrate the data tier developer in to the core development life cycle and process.”That is one of the main objectives of Visual Studio Team Edition for Database Professionals, also known under its project name “Data Dude”. Bringing the data tier developer into Visual Studio is the first step in enabling closer integration between the application and data tier developer. Having both environments leverage the same Team Foundation Build (Team Build) system enables daily and automatic integration of changes into the build process, enforcing closer integration and shorter feedback cycles between the two originally disjoint disciplines.
XML is everywhere from XML Web Services to databases to config files to Office documents. This article will show you tooling support offered in Visual Studio 2008 that will make working with XML easier. It will cover editing XML files, working with XML schemas, debugging XSLT style sheets and extending Visual Studio by writing your own custom XML Designers.
Fifteen years after its launch, ODBC is a firmly entrenched cornerstone of the software industry. This article explains why and will explore the relationship between Microsoft SQL Server and ODBC and discuss where ODBC may go in the future.
In our service-oriented world, users need the same experience on any device, whether mobile phone, office PC, or Internet café. Moreover, they want the same experience any time they access applications, offline or online. For developers, this means tackling multi-tier, distributed, and concurrent programming. LINQ 1.0 radically simplified multi-tier programming with unified query and deep XML support. TESLA is a broad engineering program by the authors to extend the success of LINQ with external relationships, reshaping combinators, assisted tier-splitting, and join patterns.